Thursday, July 24, 2008

The scales might be tipping in my direction

So my life might be coming together which choices that are out of my hands...and for once, I am ok with that. Preparing for two separate paths can be tiring and a bit draining ok the stamina, but the fight is almost over.

Option A:
Get a job that will turn into a career, make $14.00 an hour (even though I am worth more), work Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, and hope that it's fulfilling enough.

Option 2:
Get a Master's in Biology from ASU working with butterflies, doing fieldwork and lab work, making my own hours, yet remaining poor, and enjoying it.

Whether it's heads or tails, it will turn out, because the Earth will always be in balance.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This and That

Not the kind of girl who:

※ is stuck on making plans and following them
※ enjoys hospital food
※ wears make up daily
※ makes out with other girls for attention
※ enjoys cuddling
※ spends hours on the phone
※ freezes up in front of people
※ owns anything with sequins
※ is a "conventional vegetarian"
※ wears pajama pants out and about
※ enjoys debates, politics or otherwise
※ wears my heart on my sleeve
※ is worried about body flaws
※ sees the glass half empty
※ who knows which celebrity is dating who
※ shaves her legs on a regular basis

The kind of girl who:

※ appreciates good beer
※ prefers cats over dogs
※ has $.67 in her savings account
※ doesn't expect the guy to pay on a date
※ tries not to lose faith in humanity, but admits it's hard
※ rocks out to female vocalists
※ is comfortable with being a sexual person
※ prefers baths over showers
※ drinks herbal organic tea
※ enjoys wining and dining
※ finds intelligence sexy
※ doesn't care about the car that I drive
※ takes one for the team
※ can eat sushi everyday if the checking account is willing
※ knows when to keep my mouth shut
※ wants to travel
※ loves the outdoors
※ has bumper stickers
※ enjoys cooking for myself and others
※ enjoys some crap tv
※ could be a permanent student
※ reads supernatural smut novels
※ reads nonfiction
※ falls asleep during any given movie or tv show
※ has been mistaken for a lesbian
※ doesn't understand why people can't put two and two together: uggs = ugly
※ is content with my choices
※ is looking into moving out of the country for healthcare
※ enjoys the insects
※ has no regrets
※ prefers chacos over shoes

Monday, December 10, 2007

Did you call me a shrimp?

Why I oughta...

So in leiu of dedicating my entire week to remember the name of this little guy, I thought I would share with everyone else. And for those of you who didn't already know, I am a nerd, and I am crazy. This little ostracod caught ahold my brain, and it has taken now 6 days to remember him. This seed shrimp is usually between 0.2 - 30 mm and has a bivalve "shell." They live in benthos regions of both salt and freshwater.

He is just as amazing as the first time I laid eyes on this shrimp. So just remember when you refer to me as a shrimp, it only means that I'm amazing.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ah, Tofurkey Day!

Noteworthy thing on this holiday:

New cat Macbeth is awesome, yet somehow managed to get a weepy eye.

Ended up playing a 3 hour game of Settlers of Catan just to lose.

No arguments about being vegetarian, although this was not a joke free zone.

Cheree, Heath, and Dave aruging a circling point that to me is a waste of breath. Reminds me of the argument "Do fish feel pain?"

Missing out on the squash filled with soup.

Not fighting terrible traffic as I had initially intended.

I really despise when people without actual factual knowledge try to argue a point with people who are in that field. It is really irritating. Like what they have to say is such a breakthrough. Sometimes there is a time to be quiet. It's at holidays like these that I remember what thumbs are for, and am thankful for sangria.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Paulo Coelho

A few lines from an interesting book. I can relate to the verses but not necessarily in the context that they were meant for.

The desert is a capricious lady, and sometimes she drives men crazy.

He also said that this was not just a human gift, that everything on
the face of the earth has a soul, whether mineral, vegetable,
or animal -- or even just a simple thought.

Because people become fascinated with pictures and words, and
wind up forgetting the Language of the World.

So true. Check it out. The Alchemist.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Good and Bad of the National Folk Festival

Things worth noting:

Favorite shirt of the day:

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

Here is some African djembe which was awesome and the highlight of the day. On stilts, this guy could move!

The Kotchegna Dance Company

Then I felt obligated to go sit with the rest of my group since they saved me a seat. If it wasn't front and center, I would have excused myself. I did, however, contemplate a coughing fit, but figured the attention wouldn't be worth it.

So the song that a Baptist preacher sang, had the verse:

"Jesus is a treasure you can't buy."

I got a little audio of his style in case you wanted to share in my pain.

Then there was dancing Grandma! This was South American music performed by Marimba Linda Xelaju.

So as I sat, listening to this deja vu, bad church hymnal, I started thinking. Why are people religious? Religion is needed in our society or everything would fall apart, it's true. But how does one determine their religion? Does it start of the basics of Creation of the Universe? Then there's the obvious Jesus question. But really? Is there a quiz that you can take to just determine your religion?
Oh yes you can at What's Your Religion?

So that's the overview of the festival. Hella fun!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Cow of the Insect World

...and my new favorite bug.

Oh to be herded through life. Is that such a good idea? We are all guilty of going with the flow. And our friends are the ants that guide us and protect us, and may even sip on our tasty honey every now and then. I wish my honey was tasted more often.

My migration has finally led to the feeling that I’m in more of a home. My new chocolate cherry self loves the sights, yet I miss the homefront gang of Formicidae to make sure that I don’t go astray.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

So now Henley has 2 Odes!

My haiku to you:

The music loop is stale,
But Henley keeps me on top;
Oh what a sweet friend

Thanks Henley! I love the local Fiona Apple notes you sent me. Luckily, packages get here quicker than if you were mailing them to Africa.

So if anyone else wants a haiku:

18100 Park Headquarters Road
Triangle, VA 22172

Monday, September 17, 2007

Two Big O's in One Day

First day here, and I’m already traveling. I moseyed my way to the National Zoo and to my surprise learned a lot more than I thought I would. Mainly, about one of most abundant creatures on the planet…us. Just watching the social behavior of humans is an interesting thing. Of course I obviously enjoyed the animals that I was there to see as well. A couple of highlights to lure you with:
♦ Admission is free, although parking will rape you at $16
♦ The Golden Lion Tamarins are free ranging
♦ The O-Line that available for the Orangutans to cross over the entire zoo
♦ The Butterfly Garden
♦ Of course, the Giant Panda exhibit aka The Three Bears

Favorite people parts of the day:

Dad explaining to his 6 year old son about snakes. “See him sticking out his tongue? He is smelling. Just like we do. (Good, good job Dad) He has two holes on each part of his tongue like our nostrils and that’s how he smells what’s around him. (Doh!)

Mom and son looking in on the orangutans. Son: Look Mom! I see one. Oh and look I see another! Oh wait, that’s my reflection.”

Six year old boy with his younger brother and Mom: “FINALLY, the three banded armadillo!”

Favorite animal parts of the day:

The Giant Pacific Octopus was amused with my finger and moved out from his corner to see what I was up to. This went on for about 10 minutes. Then a volunteer began BE with this curious female. She did get the frog out of the octagon, and proceeded to play with it. Very awesome!

The Orangutan used the O-Line to make his and her way across the zoo. I also timed it perfectly to catch them copulating in the night house. She wasn’t too amused, but I’ve been there.

The humungous beetle created out of many beetles. It is self explanatory.

Oh yeah, and the sea cucumber.

The zoo is always an experience and it brings me back to the age old discussion, which I have had with many of you, about whether or not we should have zoos. The “American Asshole” comes out even at the zoo, as an older guy quickly walks away saying, “Oh well we have beavers where we’re from.” Everything has to be exotic, otherwise it isn’t interesting. All of nature, from the smallest aphid to the blue whale should be appreciated. And the debate goes on about whether zoos are needed or unethical. I suggest listening to
WNYC's Radio Lab on zoos.

And now I’m off my soapbox.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

My new home...

So this is it, Triangle, VA! I think I arrived at the perfect time. Everything is lush and green. The trees are so overgrown that it makes a natural canopy for the road when you are driving through the park. I’ve put up some pictures of my cabin, which is very homey, and some of the surrounding area. I have two free days before I start “work” so hopefully there will be some neat pics to come. I don’t have internet unless I go into the town which is about 10 miles away, and my phone only roams when I step out of the front stoop. But please, don’t let any of this discourage you. All phone calls and emails will be appreciated. The first good news of the day…my housemate is vegetarian!! Bad news of the day, my Ipod is a little bitch and is frozen, so no tunes for me right now. I need to actively try to be social, for I could curl up in a cozy spot, speak to few, and be happy, but I don’t want to come off as posh. So I’m really going to have to make an effort. Is it still considered rude if I recluse in my room if the door is open?
Did I mention that the marine base is so close that we can hear the practice gunfire? That should be a little bit of incentive to get my ass social.