Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This and That

Not the kind of girl who:

※ is stuck on making plans and following them
※ enjoys hospital food
※ wears make up daily
※ makes out with other girls for attention
※ enjoys cuddling
※ spends hours on the phone
※ freezes up in front of people
※ owns anything with sequins
※ is a "conventional vegetarian"
※ wears pajama pants out and about
※ enjoys debates, politics or otherwise
※ wears my heart on my sleeve
※ is worried about body flaws
※ sees the glass half empty
※ who knows which celebrity is dating who
※ shaves her legs on a regular basis

The kind of girl who:

※ appreciates good beer
※ prefers cats over dogs
※ has $.67 in her savings account
※ doesn't expect the guy to pay on a date
※ tries not to lose faith in humanity, but admits it's hard
※ rocks out to female vocalists
※ is comfortable with being a sexual person
※ prefers baths over showers
※ drinks herbal organic tea
※ enjoys wining and dining
※ finds intelligence sexy
※ doesn't care about the car that I drive
※ takes one for the team
※ can eat sushi everyday if the checking account is willing
※ knows when to keep my mouth shut
※ wants to travel
※ loves the outdoors
※ has bumper stickers
※ enjoys cooking for myself and others
※ enjoys some crap tv
※ could be a permanent student
※ reads supernatural smut novels
※ reads nonfiction
※ falls asleep during any given movie or tv show
※ has been mistaken for a lesbian
※ doesn't understand why people can't put two and two together: uggs = ugly
※ is content with my choices
※ is looking into moving out of the country for healthcare
※ enjoys the insects
※ has no regrets
※ prefers chacos over shoes

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