Monday, September 17, 2007

Two Big O's in One Day

First day here, and I’m already traveling. I moseyed my way to the National Zoo and to my surprise learned a lot more than I thought I would. Mainly, about one of most abundant creatures on the planet…us. Just watching the social behavior of humans is an interesting thing. Of course I obviously enjoyed the animals that I was there to see as well. A couple of highlights to lure you with:
♦ Admission is free, although parking will rape you at $16
♦ The Golden Lion Tamarins are free ranging
♦ The O-Line that available for the Orangutans to cross over the entire zoo
♦ The Butterfly Garden
♦ Of course, the Giant Panda exhibit aka The Three Bears

Favorite people parts of the day:

Dad explaining to his 6 year old son about snakes. “See him sticking out his tongue? He is smelling. Just like we do. (Good, good job Dad) He has two holes on each part of his tongue like our nostrils and that’s how he smells what’s around him. (Doh!)

Mom and son looking in on the orangutans. Son: Look Mom! I see one. Oh and look I see another! Oh wait, that’s my reflection.”

Six year old boy with his younger brother and Mom: “FINALLY, the three banded armadillo!”

Favorite animal parts of the day:

The Giant Pacific Octopus was amused with my finger and moved out from his corner to see what I was up to. This went on for about 10 minutes. Then a volunteer began BE with this curious female. She did get the frog out of the octagon, and proceeded to play with it. Very awesome!

The Orangutan used the O-Line to make his and her way across the zoo. I also timed it perfectly to catch them copulating in the night house. She wasn’t too amused, but I’ve been there.

The humungous beetle created out of many beetles. It is self explanatory.

Oh yeah, and the sea cucumber.

The zoo is always an experience and it brings me back to the age old discussion, which I have had with many of you, about whether or not we should have zoos. The “American Asshole” comes out even at the zoo, as an older guy quickly walks away saying, “Oh well we have beavers where we’re from.” Everything has to be exotic, otherwise it isn’t interesting. All of nature, from the smallest aphid to the blue whale should be appreciated. And the debate goes on about whether zoos are needed or unethical. I suggest listening to
WNYC's Radio Lab on zoos.

And now I’m off my soapbox.

1 comment:

Shannon's Bushtales said...

Hey lady,

Love that debate because I can see myself articulating both sides. Your little cabin looks so lovely-I think it is just the place for me, but I think you'll appreciate it just as much! Ha. I do very much wish to come out to triangle and hike around-make sure and post some pics of the scenery you're takin in on your walks to entice me....