Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Excitement, anxiety, and a little bit of fear!

Only 8 days until I venture out on the longest flight of my life. Never have I ever traveled outside of North America so I'm exhilarated just by the thought. I am also kind of terrified since I won't see Shannon for another 24 hours post landing. Once my 4 friends pick me up from my bed and breakfast, all should be well. As for my health, well I wouldn't be Jamina if I wasn't fighting off a cold right before leaving. Besides, I thought everyone liked to travel 18 hours on a plane with an orange mask on. You know, that way everyone can look at you and assume you have Ebola while you struggle to breath through the damn thing. Last time I traveled I just wanted to get onto the intercom system and announce that the mask was to protect me from any of you sick fuckers. Anyways, the packing has begun, and so it shall continue until the day the leave from Flagstaff.

I hope to bring back many photos just as good as this one (which was taken by Shannon) and force all of you to look at them. And if I come back sans an arm or leg, hopefully the pictures will tell the story.

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