Friday, January 12, 2007

DAY 1 - December 15, 2006

The backyard at the backpackers, overlooking the pool and into the lapa.

After a 20 hour flight with not much to eat, since somehow my vegetarian meal managed to disappear into thin air, I arrive at the Johannesburg airport. First things first, I throw up whatever niblits are left in my stomach, for my dream has come true. I am actally in Africa! Deep breath, because now you need to get your shit together. First off this place is huge and overwhelming, and I'm on my own. First I go to the ATM and remove 500 Rand. I hope with every atom of my being that Shannon's currency conversions are accurate. Next, to make a phone call to the backpackers so I can be removed from this scary place. Done and done. Now it is time to wait. So about 15 minutes in the blazing heat, and standing very much out of place, a car pulls up to the curb. This middle aged lady with a cigarette attached with a little bit of saliva to her lip gets out. Thinking nothing of this lady, she asks if I am with the backpackers. Surprised, and praying that she will put out the cig before I get into the car, I shake my weary head. I load my stuff into the "boot" and climb in. Our short ride is very uncomfortable, but at least she did dispose of the stinky habit. Soon we arrive at my place of residence for the first night in South Africa. It's quaint, and although I don't have a room to myself, as Shannon promised, I find myself not minding. I walk into the dorm and am greeted with 3, pleasing to the eye, boys all claiming a different bed. "Hello boys!" Yes, I am in the right place. They are polite though, and move to the other dorm, and leave me to a private dorm (ironic!). Fearing for my stuff to be left alone (because my life is in these bags) I don't shower or do much. I order in a pizza, which ended up being the best pizza I've ever had, and call it a night. If I sleep, I can wake up and be on Africa time which would be fantastic. Soon, I'm dreaming of babboons...until a knock on the door wakes me up at 11 pm. I let in the late arrivals, and try to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, the long flight has left my lungs clogged and not willing to compromise on the whole breathing without coughing issue. I end up tossing and turning all night, and coughing my little bronchials out. The next morning I get up, eat some toast, and chat with my bunkmates. Now I wait, and wait, for my friends to pick me up.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey, when do we get to hear the rest of the story!

I had my ASU interview on Monday. I'll let you know as soon as I hear something.